Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fish Story Time

Sticking with the water theme for rainy April, I read some fish stories, freaked out about sharks, and added paper fish to a paper fishbowl. I didn't realize my sub-theme was "fish that get eaten because they are bad" until I already read This is not my hat and halfway through Uglyfish. Whoops! I have too many favorites and when I pair them with other favorites it is easy to forget they might have more in common than I remembered. Oh well!

The Books:

My Goldfish by Stephane Barroux

Fish Eyes by Lois Ehlert

This Is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen
Uglyfish by Kara LaReau & Scott Magoon

The Favorite: This is not my hat by Jon Klassen was the favorite, which wasn't a surprise since he won the 2013 Caldecott. The kids kept asking me "WHAT HAPPENED TO LITTLE FISH!?!!" Lead to great discussion about what might have happened to him.

Flannelboard: Five Little Fishies (to the tune of Five Little Monkeys)

Five little fishies, swimming in the sea
Teasing Mr. Shark, You can't catch me!
Along comes Mr. Shark, as quiet as can be... CHOMP!

I just had different colored fish shapes randomly cut from scraps of felt, but I used this Shark hand puppet I made a few summers ago for "Make A Splash @ Your Library" summer reading program puppet show. The kids all wanted a turn to "CHOMP" up the fish with this puppet!

What's in the Memory Box?
This was a great week because not one kid shouted "AN EGG!" They all named things that live in water. Fish. An octopus. Shark. SURPRISE! They actually paid attention! yay!
 It was a shark. I couldn't make it too easy on them. And of course, they all wanted to "pet" the shark.

The Craft: What can you make with an empty fishbowl printed on paper and tiny paper fish? Glue as many as you want into the fishbowl and color them!!

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