Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Penguin Story Time

I do a story time about penguins every February. There are just so many cute books about penguins, so I never find myself repeating that many books every year.

The Books:

I Am Small by Emma Dodd

A Penguin Story by Antoinette Portis

Oliver by Judith Rossell

Five Little Penguins Slipping on the Ice by Steve Metzger
Favorite: A Penguin Story by Antoinette Portis was my favorite for penguin stories. I have no idea about the kids. This week was such a weird week for every story time I had, like full moon weird. The best group really got into looking for something that was a different color from blue, black or white... which is an orange airplane!

Activity: Five little penguins (material idea from Miss Mary Liberry) but I changed the words to go with the story Five Little Penguins Slipping on the Ice.

What was in the Memory Box? Snowflakes!

Craft:  Glue-crazy penguin! Craft has 6 paper pieces and 2 sticker eyes, so the kids that love love love to glue were very happy.  I've done this craft a few times alternating over the years, so this guy is a little wrinkled:

Next week is all about Love...

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